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Koi Carp Water Treatment

Koi Carp Water Treatment

A brief description A water treatment system at a major breeder of Koi Carp. Full description The system is designed to condition the raw water supply by removing Ammonia, Hardness, Iron and Manganese. Currently producing 3,000 litres per hour but has a capacity of...

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Why Does my Water Smell?

Why Does my Water Smell?

A brief description There are many reasons your water may smell, it is helpful to inform your filtration service provider of any change to your water supply. Full description Smell is often an indicator that something is not right with your supply or your filtration...

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What are pH Levels and How are They Regulated?

What are pH Levels and How are They Regulated?

pH Water TestingpH Water Testing pH Water TestingpH Water Testing pH Water TestingpH Water Testing pH Water TestingpH Water Testing A brief description pH in its literal translation stands for “power of hydrogen”. Full Description It is a figure that expresses the...

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Barn Conversion with Spring Supply

Barn Conversion with Spring Supply

Location: Lancashire, United Kingdom The Problem This customer was developing an old barn into a residential property and had rights to a spring supply feeding the property. The water contained sediment and also high levels of iron and manganese and bacteria. The...

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What is Reverse Osmosis?

What is Reverse Osmosis?

Reverse Osmosis Unit by ProsepReverse Osmosis Reverse Osmosis Unit by ProsepReverse Osmosis A brief description What is reverse osmosis?   Let us start with a definition of Osmosis. If we consider a sugar solution in water then the water is the solvent and the...

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Borehole Water Supplies

Borehole Water Supplies

 What is a Borehole? The simple terms a borehole is a hole drilled into the ground down to the water table in order to extract water. It may have to pass through several different layers of substrate before it meets the water table, the depth of the water table is...

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