Common Category: filtration

Insulating Water Treatment Systems | Peak District

Insulating Water Treatment Systems | Peak District

A brief description We recently tasked with insulating water treatment systems in the Peak District. Full description These photographs illustrate fully insulated water treatment systems to prevent the extreme cold weathers from freezing the filtration system.  All...

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Manganese: What is it and how to remove it

Manganese: What is it and how to remove it

Manganese: What is it? Manganese is a metal which is often found in the ground. In small quantities it is essential to human health as it helps enzymes break down certain foods in our bodies. It is used in various processes around the world to make various chemicals,...

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Iron in Private Water Supply | Halifax | Calderdale

Iron in Private Water Supply | Halifax | Calderdale

A brief description This customer wanted their old filtration system upgrading and moving. Full description We tested the water flow and spoke with the customer and they advised the flow had reduced in recent weeks. Flow reduction is caused by a build up in your pipe...

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Orange Borehole Water

Orange Borehole Water

Borehole water orange with iron – Halifax, West Yorkshire This customer is based in Halifax, West Yorkshire and has a borehole water Supply. They reported iron staining in their sink/bathtub and orange water passing through to the taps. The photograph of the UV...

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Fluoride Reduction | Leyburn | North Yorkshire

Fluoride Reduction | Leyburn | North Yorkshire

Reverse Osmosis UnitReverse Osmosis Unit for Fluoride Reduction Fluoride Reduction SystemWater Treatment System to Treat Fluoride Fluoride Reduction SystemWater Treatment System to Treat Fluoride Fluoride Reduction SystemWater Treatment System to Treat Fluoride A...

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