Common Category: sediment

New Borehole Filtration

New Borehole Filtration

Borehole Water Treatment | Lancashire This is an existing customer who has been using a neighbouring borehole supply for a number of years. They have had a water treatment system, installed by Prosep Filter Services, for this existing supply for a number of years....

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Why Service Your Water Filtration System

Why Service Your Water Filtration System

Servicing your Water Filtration System  All Private Water Supplies including Boreholes | Springs | Wells   Ensuring your drinking water is safe to drink is paramount. Regular servicing of your borehole or spring water filtration system can reduce overall running...

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Sediment Removal | Spring Water | Temporary Install

Sediment Removal | Spring Water | Temporary Install

A brief description Small Filtration System in West Yorkshire. Full description This system was set up for a customer who is currently renovating a house, whilst living on site. This system is to treat a spring supply that contains sediment and bacteria, this was all...

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Removing Sediment from Well Water

Removing Sediment from Well Water

Location: Shropshire The Problem Excessive amounts of sedimental iron in a domestic well water supply The Solution The system comprises of air contact vessel which uses a compressor to force air into the water and then it passes through a sediment filter to remove the...

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Dairy Farm Borehole Filtration Yorkshire

Dairy Farm Borehole Filtration Yorkshire

Dairy Farm Borehole Water Filtration System: This Yorkshire dairy farm installed a borehole filtration system several years ago. Our team has been providing expert servicing for the filtration system for the past 5 years. During a recent visit, the customer expressed...

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